[7-8] Keep reading JS textbook


1 min read

Didn't manage to post my last week progress due to some obstacles. For the past two weeks I've been reading JS tutorial/handbook and finished it. I had to speed up a bit in the middle and do it without notes because I have some timings, and I was needed to solve all practical tasks before the end of September (blog's delay is two weeks).

Here are the topics of the past two weeks:

Data types: WeakMap and WeakSet Object.keys, values, entries Destructuring assignment Date and time JSON format and methods

Advanced working with functions: Recursion and stack Rest parameters and spread syntax Closure The old "var" Global object Function object, NFE

And so on... The list is really long because I needed to read it very quickly. You can check it on javascript.info if you need more details ๐Ÿ™‚
