[13] Algorithms' complexity. JS closure.
In this week I finished Git crash course and making notes and cheat sheets for my future self. I solved several tasks from “Recursion and stack” topic on javascript.info in relation with JS execution context. Although I've learned Java in the past and solved a lot of tasks, the recursion topic was new for me, but it wasn't so frustrating as many memes told us 😁. Also, finally I understood the algorithms' complexity, even had to remember what logarithm is, these links were helpful: one, two. Here is the psyched me most JS feature of the week: (1 == true)==true, but any other number "false". I also had a hard time with practical use of closure. It wasn't hard to understand the theory, but in practice, brr… Also, I started to coding my landing page “on my own”, because now, when I have a working version of it I can pry to it and do some reverse engineering if I meet something that Google can't help me with.