[19] Two more projects and JS promises in gray zone
During my 19th week of studying and another week on freeCodeCamp, I made a tribute page from a layout found on Figma community. The author of this layout can be found here and this project (like all another projects) is hosted on GitHub pages.
And the most tricky part of this project was a discography section and making it adaptive for different screens. I've used Flexbox, but I think it would've been better to use Grid. Nevertheless, it turned out pretty good, from my perspective
In addition to this project, I've managed to make another page, which is a technical documentation page and this also can be found on GitHub. It hasn't been made from a particular design, I just oriented on the example of this task provided by freeCodeCamp.
And what about JavaScript? I'm going slowly by JS book because it's still not my priority subject, and last week I covered such themes as:
Promises async/await
And I'll definitely return to Promises part in the future. Because, I thought that I understood the theory of that, but when it came to practice and solving tasks, I'm stuck! I need more practice and understanding of implication of this in real projects. Just put it in the "gray zone" for now.